The OzART Advantage

AccessibilityOz’s automated reporting tool, OzART, simplifies the task of making sites accessible according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG2) and Section 508/Refresh. It searches and reports defects in categories e.g. images, page titles, content and headings. This makes it easy for IT teams to work through fixing the defects, logically and systematically. The report displays relevant code sample, image or text that is in the error without having to go back to the site.

OzART succeeds where other tools fail because it:

  • Finds the errors and possible errors that other accessibility reporting tools miss
  • Can detect the difference between templates and content and reports a template item as one defect, not duplicates on every page of your site
  • Can assess very large sites without crashing
  • Uses a unique process to categorize items as Passes, Defects or metrics that should be Inspected
  • Presents the information you need at a detailed item level and summarizes at issue, category and report level
  • Gives a tool to systematically work through a website and the error list
  • Tracks progress as the items that need to be fixed are remediated
  • Tests for non-accessibility issues such as broken images, broken links and spelling mistakes
  • Weekly (or more frequent) automatic backups and secure archiving

It’s important that testing consists of both automated and manual testing. Our automated accessibility testing tool can find many errors previously thought to require manual testing, such as finding movement in a page or keyboard traps. OzART can test internal, process-driven and password-protected sites. For internal sites, some arrangement will need to be made to allow OzART to access the content – either hosting OzART inside your network, or providing some form of reverse proxy. OzART can pick up the errors that occur automatically, but any automated accessibility testing tool can do that. What is unique about OzART is that it categorizes information in such a way that it enables human testers to test quickly and efficiently without having to laboriously trawl through every single page.

Additionally, OzART can automatically identify all downloads, such as Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoint documents, Excel documents, etc. OzART can automatically determine whether a PDF is tagged; whether it has a language associated with it; if it is a scanned image; and how many pages it is.

What OzART tests

OzART tests 155 errors, a third of all these errors are automatically identified as errors by the tool. A further two-thirds can be identified by a human tester just by reviewing the specific OzART report. The final 10% require a manual test on the site – but OzART provides step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this task.

Standard errors are tested as well, such as broken images and broken links. We also test for the presence of PDFs, PowerPoint, Excel and Word documents – and list where they occur on your site.

OzART is fully accessible – of course!

AccessibilityOz has testers with visual impairments, including the lead developer of the OzART tool itself. If OzART wasn’t accessible to screen reader users, staff who work with the tool would not be able to use it!!

For more information on OzART, accessibility audits, and product licensing for your company or organization, feel free to leave a comment here or Contact Us for more information.