Want to join the ICT Accessibility Symposium’s Mobile Testing Sub-Committees?

Please register your interest using the following form. Sub-committee meetings are expected to begin in mid-2023.

If you would like to become a member of one or both of the mobile accessibility testing committees (Mobile Site and/or Native App), please keep in mind that the following are mandatory:

  1. Committee members must be able to commit to weekly 2-hour meetings with approximately 2 to 4 hours of committee work outside of these meetings.
    • There will be three types of meetings:
      • Mobile Site and Native App joint committee meetings (approximately 70% of all meetings)
      • Mobile Site committee only meetings (approximately 15% of all meetings)
      • Native App committee only meetings (approximately 15% of all meetings)
    • A single committee meeting is usually run every second week, so for members of both committees it would be two hours per week of meetings, and 2 to 4 hours of work per week outside the meetings. The joint meetings will only occur once a week. Some weeks may have both the second and third types of meetings, but that week probably won’t have a joint meeting.
  2. Committee members must read all existing Mobile Accessibility documentation before the meetings commence (documentation can be accessed via the AccessibilityOz website).
  3. Committee members must have experience in at least one of the following areas:
    • Accessibility
    • Assistive technologies
    • Mobile apps
  • You may check one or more options.
  • This information is used for scheduling committee meetings.
  • Please select using the time zone you specified in the fifth question.