How to create lists and links

Return to the video alternative.


  1. Use bulleted and numbered lists:
    • Avoid using graphical or non-standard bullets
    • When you add new bullet points in a document always use the styles set up in your style sheet
    • Do not use tabbing to indent bullets (See Indents and spacing section)

The location of the bulleted and numbered list styles, in the home tab of the Word navigation.
Figure 18: Bulleted and numbered lists



Creating links

  1. Write accurate link text. Do not use a URL as link text. If the document will be printed, add the URL in brackets after the link text.

A sentence with the text to be the link highlighted. The sentence reads: Call the Quiteline ( on 13 7848. The highlighted text to be the link the the word 'Quitline'.
Figure 19: Select accurate link text
  1. For an existing link you can select the text and right-click and ‘Edit the Hyperlink’.
  2. For a new link, use the ‘Insert’ tab and then the ‘Hyperlink’ option (see below).

The location of the hyperlink option in the insert tab of Word's navigation. It is in the Links section of navigation after the illustrations section.
Figure 20: Hyperlink
  1. Add the relevant URL to the Hyperlink dialog box ‘Address’ field and ensure ‘Text to display’ is accurate.

The edit hyperlink dialog box. The text to display is circled with the field as Quitline. The Address is also circled with the field
Figure 21: Hyperlink dialog box

Deleting links

Word automatically creates live links of any text that starts with ‘http://’ or ‘www’. These links are difficult for screen reader users to understand and therefore only clear, accurate, unambiguous link text should be used. For information on how to create links see page 23.

Where Word automatically creates these links they need to be deleted, or the text modified.

Place the cursor in the link text and right-click. Alternatively you can select the ‘Insert’ tab and then the ‘Hyperlink’ option (see below).

The location of the hyperlink option in the insert tab of Word's navigation. It is in the Links section of navigation after the illustrations section.
Figure 22: Hyperlink
  1. Select the ‘Remove Link’ button.

The edit hyperlinks dialog box with the remove link option circled. The link is located after the address field.
Figure 23: Hyperlink dialog box
  1. This will render the link inactive – the text on the page will remain and may also need to be amended.