Developer checklist
Level A – Data tables
Data tables are used correctly
Empty tables are not used
Correct example(s)<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities" Caption="Temperature comparison by city">
<table> </table>
Excessive nesting of tables is avoided
Correct example(s)<table summary="Minimum and maximum day and nightly temperatures for Australian state capital cities" Caption="Day and night temperature comparison by city">
<th id="city">City rowspan="2"</th>
<th id="min">Minimum temperature</th>
<th id="max">Maximum temperature</th>
<th headers="min" id="dayn">Day</th>
<th headers="min" id="nightn">Night</th>
<th headers="max"id="dayx">Day</th>
<th headers="max"id="nightx">Night</th>
<th headers="city"id="city1">Melbourne</th>
<td headers="city1 min dayn">10</td>
<td headers="city1 min nightn">5</td>
<td headers="city1 max dayn">16</td>
<td headers="city1 max nightn">10</td>
<th headers="city"id="city2">Sydney</th>
<td headers="city2 min dayn">15</td>
<td headers="city2 min nightn">10</td>
<td headers="city2 max dayn">21</td>
<td headers="city2 max nightn">13</td>
<table summary="Minimum and maximum day and nightly temperatures for Australian state capital cities"Caption="Day and night temperature comparison by city">
<th>Minimum temperature</th>
<th>Maximum temperature</th>
Data tables are coded correctly
Simple data tables are coded with header (TH
) cells
Data table header (TH
) cells contain content (i.e. are not empty)
<tr><th> </th><th>Min</th><th>Max</th></tr>
Data table header (TH
) cells are descriptive
<tr><th>City</th><th>Minimum temperature</th><th>Maximum temperature</th></tr>
TBL_A3i: Data tables have a SUMMARY
Data tables are coded with a SUMMARY
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
The data table SUMMARY
attribute is descriptive (i.e. the SUMMARY
attribute should summarise the content of the data table)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities for today">
is not descriptive<table summary="City temperatures"
is empty<table summary=" ">
Data tables have a CAPTION
Data tables are coded with a CAPTION
<caption>City temperatures</caption>
The data table CAPTION
is descriptive (i.e. the CAPTION
element should name the data table)
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>
is not descriptive<caption>Temperatures</caption>
is empty<caption></caption>
The data table CAPTION
is different to the SUMMARY
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>
<table summary="Temperature comparison by city">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>
All rows in the data table contain information (i.e. there should be no empty rows)
Correct example(s)<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<Caption>Temperature comparison by city></caption>
<th>Minimum temperature</th>
<th>Maximum temperature</th>
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city></caption>
<th>Minimum temperature</th>
<th>Maximum temperature</th>
Complex tables are coded correctly
Complex data tables are coded with TH ID

<th id="city" rowspan="2">City</th>
<th id="min">Minimum temperature</th>
<th id="max">Maximum temperature</th>
<th headers="min" id="dayn">Day</th>
<th headers="min" id="nightn">Night</th>
<th headers="max" id="dayx">Day</th>
<th headers="max" id="nightx">Night</th>
<th headers="city" id="city1">Melbourne</th>
<td headers="city city1 min dayn">10</td>
<td headers="city city1 min nightn">5</td>
<td headers="city city1 max dayn">16</td>
<td headers="city city1 max nightn">10</td>
<th headers="city" id="city2">Sydney</th>
<td headers="city city2 min dayn">15</td>
<td headers="city city2 min nightn">10</td>
<td headers="city city2 max dayn">21</td>
<td headers="city city2 max nightn">13</td>
<th rowspan="2">City</th>
<th>Minimum temperature</th>
<th>Maximum temperature</th>
Complex tables can be understood
Complex data tables are supported by additional explanatory information within the page content

<table class="scheduleprice" summary="This table is used to assist in the layout to display sport schedules and prices.">…
Incorrect example(s) <table class="scheduleprice" summary="This table is used to display sport schedules and prices.">…
Table content is distinguishable
Supplementary formatting or information is provided in addition to colour and/or shape and/or shading
Correct example(s)

Level A – Layout tables
Layout tables are used appropriately
Tables are not used in preference to MathML to present equations
Correct example(s)
2 | + | / x+1 |
<td>/ x+1</td>
Layout tables must have more than one cell
Correct example(s)<p>Melbourne is the State capital of Victoria</p>
<td>Melbourne is the State capital of Victoria</td>
Layout tables are coded correctly
Layout tables are not coded with a SUMMARY
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
<table summary="State capitals">
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Layout tables are not coded with a CAPTION
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
<caption>State capitals</caption>
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Layout tables do not have table headers: TH
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Layout tables used to present textual content are in meaningful sequence i.e. make sense when read cell to cell from left to right
Correct example(s)<table>
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
<td>State capital of Victoria</td>
<td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Level AA
Colour Contrast
TBL_AA1: Colour contrast
Colour contrast within table content is sufficient
Correct example(s)