OzWiki relaunch!

We are pleased to announce that we’re re-launching OzWiki, our database of web accessibility errors, examples and solutions.

This new version of OzWiki continues to provide the same great informative content as the old, building on over fifteen years of experience in the web accessibility field. The big change is that it’s now available as a monthly subscription, automatically rebilled via PayPal. Subscriptions are available now.

Free OzPlayer

We’re very pleased to announce that OzPlayer is being made available for free use. You can host your videos directly from a CDN or from YouTube. If you are a not-for-profit / charity with a budget less than $1 million (US) then you can use OzPlayer for free, for as many videos as you like.

Web Xchange – Canberra (February)

The Web XChange is an informal gathering of like-minded individuals who share an interest in web related technologies. This event brings together the web community with interesting speakers presenting on a diverse range of web-related topics. Venue: National Press Club of Australia, National Circuit, Barton Time: Complimentary Breakfast served from 08:00am onwards Date: Tuesday, 10 February, 2014

Merry Christmas!

It’s been a busy year for AccessibilityOz. We built a fully accessible site for Energy Rating which spurred us on to rebuild our own website. Have a look around – we’re very proud! Gian and Alison developed our unique Mobile accessibility methodology, which we have used with a number of corporate and Government clients. We’ve also started

Did someone say map?

My next post for GovHack is accessible maps. Now at a later date, have a look at OzWiki: Interactive Maps factsheets. But for now, I know you’re all busy, so I’ll summarise it for you. The important things you need to do to make a map accessible is: Providing a long description of the map

Design and accessibility – use of colour

Apologies to all the GovHackers! I meant to post this yesterday, but was struck down with a migraine. I hope it’s not too late! Colour contrast The most important thing to remember when it comes to designing an accessible web site, app or interface is colour contrast. This is the kind of thing that needs