AccessibilityOz at CSUN 2018 in San Diego, USA

From 27 February to 4 March 2017, more than 5,000 people gathered in San Diego for the largest assistive technology conference in the world, the CSUN Conference. The 32nd annual event, organised by the Center on Disabilities at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), hosted people from around the globe and explored new technology designed to

AccessibilityOz Working to Make Higher Education More Accessible

It’s very pleasing to see the current interest shown – and genuine progress made – in improving accessibility in higher education. AccessibilityOz has been actively promoting accessibility for tertiary level students since CEO Gian Wild founded the company in 2011 (she spoke at the Accessing Higher Ground conference in Boulder, Colorado that same year) after

US Department of Transport Rule for Web Accessibility in Air Travel

In the last six months we have worked with several airlines to meet the Department of Transport Rule regarding Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel: Accessibility of Web Sites and Automated Kiosks at US Airports. This requires that all: U.S. and foreign air carriers that operate at least one aircraft having a

Meet Gian Wild, CEO of AccessibilityOz

Gian is heading overseas shortly – four countries in six weeks! – so chances are she’s coming to a place near you! She might even be speaking at a conference nearby, so check out our Conferences page. United States Las Vegas Los Angeles New York Washington DC Philadelphia Denver Portland Europe Amsterdam, Netherlands Berlin, Germany

Happy birthday to us!

Today we turned four years old! Seeing as almost half of small businesses fail by four years, I think we’re doing pretty well! Or averagely!

It’s been a busy four years. We now have four products as well as a huge range of services and online training. My speaking career has exploded, having spoken at six conferences in the US in the last six months and nine conferences in Australia. When I was in the US just last month I also was asked to present to the National Science Foundation and the United Nations! 

Accessibility lawsuits in America

AccessibilityOz was at CSUN in San Diego last week. Alison attended a Legal Update by Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian in the area of accessibility. In America, the accessibility requirements are hotting up. Lainey mentioned a number of different accessibility complaints and settlements in 2014.

Vale Stella Young

Today the ABC announced that Stella Young died over the weekend. She was a brilliant comedian and a wonderful disability activist. The world will miss her. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure you watch her TED talk. She was not our inspiration, but she made the world a better place. There will be

Accessing Higher Ground

I had a great time at Accessing Higher Ground. The weather was beautiful, despite the snow on the ground. In fact, the lake near the Westin in Westminster was frozen around the edges (and people had been walking on it!), but still liquid in the middle! I ran three presentations and one lab for Accessing

Mobile and accessibility – my presentation at the Future of Web Design in New York

New York is definitely the city that never sleeps. For those in Melbourne, think Chadstone during late-night Christmas shopping. All the time. Everywhere. It’s exhausting. I ran my mobile and accessibility session at the Future of Web Design yesterday. It was a great conference and I learnt a lot. You can download my accessible PowerPoint