Video Player Testing Results: Seven Players Pass Initial Testing But Only Two Allow for Bluetooth Keyboard Capability

This week in Linz, Austria we presented at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Gian was pleased to be invited to share a paper looking at AccessibilityOz’s testing results of various online video players. Our testing process includes four phases meant to examine accessibility ac-cording to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Version 2.0 created by the World Wide Web Consor-tium (W3C.)

Note: It is time-intensive, but we perform this testing every year! Be sure to follow AccessibilityOz for more about video accessibility.

Our first two rounds of testing narrowed a list of players from 37 down to seven, due to major accessibility issues we refer to as “show stoppers.” These tests were done on desktop on Google Chrome and Windows 10. We also did user testing with a vision-impaired user using a screen reader. The seven remaining video players include:

  • AblePlayer
  • JW Player
  • Kaltura
  • MediaSite
  • OzPlayer
  • Plyr
  • YouTube

Our final tests involved mobile testing on iPhone and Android devices and on an iPad with a Bluetooth key-board. Looking at Bluetooth Keyboard Capability and all other testing factors, two players to really stood out: AblePlayer and OzPlayer. Bluetooth Keyboard Capability is so important to users today. We hope to see all 37 players improving this functionality in the near future.

Review more detailed charts and information about show-stoppers.