Which is the most accessible video player? Watch Gian’s free webinar to find out!

Edit: Due to technical difficulties, the webinar was rescheduled from Monday, October 30th to Friday, November 3rd at 3:00pm EST. Hope to see you there!

From Brightcove to Kaltura, YouTube to Facebook, the internet has no shortage of video players and platforms. What it does have a shortage of, however, is video players that are accessible.

CEO Gian Wild tackles this topic in her upcoming webinar for 3Play Media. AccessibilityOz has been working over the last few months testing the internet’s leading video players for accessibility (or lack thereof), and Gian will be discussing these findings during the free webinar, Accessibility Comparison of Major Video Players on Friday, November 3rd at 3:00pm to 4:00pm EST.

Test results factor in whether or not a video has captioning abilities or an available transcript, colour contrast, video controls, and many other characteristics that are invaluable to individuals using screen readers and visual keyboards.

Register to watch Gian’s presentation and a learn about which video players you should be using for your videos.