
Making Web Links Accessible

You’re most likely here because you need to make sure your hypertext links are accessible to people with disabilities.

You might have a specific problem, like:

  • whether the wording of link text complies with requirements
  • how to replace existing link text you know to be to non-compliant
  • how to identify links in an accessible way
  • the implications of touch for link accessibility
  • how to use title tags for links
  • how to give links visible focus to enhance accessibility
  • how link proximity affects accessibility
  • how using images as links affects accessibility

Perhaps you need a comprehensive list of likely accessibility issues with link text – and how to address them. Or maybe you just want to ask a direct question and get a clear, expert response.

You’re in the right place.

OzWiki will tell you what you need to know to make your web links accessible. The Links section details 20 accessibility problems and how to address them, demonstrating compliance with 14 WCAG Level A success criteria and six Level AA success criteria.

As a subscriber, you’ll also be able to request further or more detailed information relating to your specific situation.

See an example

Link text is incorrect (eg. here)

Link text is incorrect (eg. here)

TopicLink text
WCAG SC 2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context)

The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.


See more errors for this SC



Link text 'here' does not make sense out of context.

Incorrect Example(s)

Example 1

Additional information on the redacted and making a lodgement is available link here end link

2. The three links titled “here” are not descriptive.

Forbes article. Text and links include "episode 1 here, episode 2 here and episode 3 here."

Correct Example(s)

Example 1

Link text reads "submit your application here"


Ensure link text is clear and concise.

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OzWiki is an accessible resource that provides best known methods to achieve A & AA level design and interaction for web content in areas such as Audio, Video, Link, Captcha, Maps, Navigation and more. These outlined accessibility errors, examples and solutions help you become 508 compliant by demonstrating associated WCAG 2.0 success criteria and techniques.

Gain access to more detailed information on all OzWiki categories for only $39/month by purchasing a subscription today! You can cancel your subscription at any time.